
Directory of missing persons

We kindly ask for the help of the population to find the missing persons on this website... If you have information that could provide a lead of any kind and help the researches, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Maxime de la Hoya

Have you informations?

Missing person

Stella Buscando

  • Date of disappearance:
  • File Number: 61642-032
  • Age: 42 years old
  • Height: 1,60 m (5’4”)
  • Weight: 59 kg (130 lb)
  • Hair: Blacks
  • Eyes: Browns

We are asking for the public's help in finding Professor Stella Buscando, 42 years old, from Montreal, missing since .

She would have been seen for the last time while walking from her office at the 88 Constellations Observatory located on Mount Jacques-Cartier in Gaspésie

She was wearing a white coat and black pants. Her friends and family have reason to fear for her health and safety. The possibility of a change of identity is also being considered.

If you have any information to provide regarding this disappearance, please be sure to contact our investigation office as soon as possible.

Physical description:

  • Height: 1, 60 m ( 5 pi 4 po)
  • Weight: 59 kg (130 lb)
  • Hair: Blacks
  • Eyes: Browns

Particularity: She was wearing black prescription reading glasses. Stella Buscando appears younger than her real age. She could also have changed her appearance.

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